
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

6pm: Max Strength/Endurance Training

I have a love/hate relationship with my trainers. Well hang on, I am a trainer! I have a love/hate relationship with myself too. I know that it is good for me to work out, I know that it is necessary to have a healthy body and sound mind. But seriously, why can't watching tv be a sport? Watching people train on tv, like I'm working out with my mind. No? No. Love it or hate it we all have to find some form of movement that works for us, something we don't dread! It can be as extreme as Cross-fit training or as calming as Tai Chi. Whatever it is, no amount of dieting is going to shift those kilos if you don't move your off I go! Here's the workout for today...

5 DB single arm squat press
10 BB bent over row
15 burpees (an evil, evil endurance move, kind of like doing a starfish jump and a pushup)
20 walking lunges

5 sets-1 min rest after lunges

Core: 45sec side bridge hold
4 sets


Megan Gale Swimwear Launch

Last night I was lucky enough to open the show for Megan's new swimwear label Isola. It was FREEZING outside but once we got going it was so hot, that's one way of staying warm in winter, by getting the nerves and adrenalin pumping strutting around in front of 100 guests and media, in a BIKINI!!!
I have to say that apart from my foot cramping up mid-strut, it was a great show, I just hope nobody noticed the pain on my face at one point, just keep walking, just keep walking...
You have to admire Megan, she didn't become a huge model until her late twenties and once she did she really capitalised on her success. She's was already massive in Italy until we caught on and made her the face of David Jones. Now she's got skincare products, movies and a swimwear line to call her own. Not bad for a fellow Perth girl, something I can aspire to!
As for backstage, its always hectic, always last minute frantic running to get hair and makeup done but in the end it looked great, we only had light tans and moisturiser to help us look like we weren't about to die of frostbite and we got the best gift bag at the end, with dry shampoo by Label.m and a beautiful Shu Uemura lipstick in pale rose, not a shitty marone colour like you usually get with free gift packs! Oh and not to mention the MOR body butter and the Lancome youth activator cream, that Megan really knows how to look after a

Monday, June 28, 2010

Chicken Tonight

Nothing beats a great roast chicken dinner. Today I'm making lemon and paprika spiced chicken with slow roast pumpkin and cauliflower mash. So easy, so yum!
Please buy organic chickens when possible. I like Oaks chickens from David Jones. They are expensive but its important to remember that chicken are actual animals too, not just a family favourite meal. They deserve to have a nice life and generally don't. This is where the extra money is going, to support a struggling industry of growing happy, organic, free-range chickens. If it helps, imagine dividing the cost of the chicken into how many meals you will get out of it. You will still have a home cooked meal for less than $10 each, I think that's a pretty good deal!

You will need:
1 whole chicken (or chicken pieces)
1 lemon
2 garlic cloves
Half a pumpkin
Coconut Oil

1. In a baking dish place the chicken stuff with chopped lemon and garlic cloves.
2. Sprinkle generously with paprika and salt and rub into chicken
3. Cut pumpkin into chunks and place around the chicken
4. Add 2 Tbsp over the top
5. Roast, uncovered, for 4 hours at 120C
6. Boil chopped cauliflower until soft, strain and blend with butter and salt in a food processor until smooth.

I'll let you know how it tastes :)

Friday, June 25, 2010


I started practicing yoga on the Gold Coast back in 2003. At first it was so boring to me. I felt like I needed to be moving really fast to get a workout so it was torture to go through this sequence of sloooowwwwwww movements every day. But yoga is all about finding the right teacher and the right style. For me, this style is Ashtanga. This system of yoga was brought to the western world by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and is a strong form of yoga producing intense internal heat which detoxes the body and calms the mind.
I am not a fan of Bikram yoga. I don't think that you need to heat a yoga space to such high temperatures as enough heat is generated in your own body and from those around you. In India yoga is practiced before sunrise to avoid high tempatures! Bikram yoga is often favoured as people feel light and 'thinner' afterwards. This is a deception though as you have only lost a huge amount of fluid which you will need to replenish straight away or face dehydration.
My advice is to attend a few different yoga studios and get a feel for your practice and don't give up just because you don't like one class or one teacher. I love Dharma Shala in North Bondi if you are starting out or if you are really serious about progressing your practice I would recommend Eileen Hall at Yogamoves. Eileen is one of the few teachers in the world certified in both Iyenger and Ashtanga yoga having trained with B.K.S Iyenger and Pattabhi Jois (pictured) in for many years in India.
It's important to know where your teacher has trained. Many teachers become qualified after having no yoga background and simply doing a short course. They really don't have the complex knowledge that is needed to teach not just the physical postures but all 8 limbs of yoga. Injuries can occur when teachers push students into postures they are not ready for. So ask around, word of mouth is vital. Make sure you communicate with your teacher too. Let them know if you have any injuries or any fears about the class. And if they try to get you to do a headstand at your first session, you've got the wrong

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hangover Cure

Well I know I've been there. So hungover you can't move, all you can do is sip water and wait for the day to crawl by until you feel better...but is their something else we could be drinking to make us feel better, faster?
Generally when we are dehydrated in day to day life we will feel symptoms like a dry and sticky mouth maybe a headache or just plain old tired! So when we feel like this how many of us actually reach for a glass of water?
Coffee, tea or soft drinks, vitamin waters and fruit drinks are often the first choice, unfortunately all of these things will only just dehydrate us further!
Caffeine is a diuretic which means it squeezes liquid out of the body. So all its really going to do is make us have a bit of a buzz followed by the need to pee and then a huge slump in energy, which most of us will follow with another coffee to perk up again and sooooo begins the cycle! Before you know it you've had 3 cups of coffee, no water and your still thirsty, your skins dry and your nails are splitting, your still dehydrated!
Sugar is the other culprit as it is in most commercially produced beverages. When we drink them we are actually sending our blood to our stomach to aid digestion instead of carrying fluid out to our bodies to rehydrate our cells! Electrolyte drinks are a huge problem, especially when we're working out. What exactly are electrolytes? They are the ratio of minerals in our body. Sodium (salt), Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium and Chloride are the main ones. Drinking these sugary sports drinks actually have the opposite effect of hydration, meaning that cells are not rehydrated and this can lead to muscle cramping and fatigue.
So what's the best drink for rehydration? Whats the best hangover cure? Coconut water and fermented drinks such a beet kvass are super high in minerals and are a great first choice. Bone broths are highly nutritious and a great food source also if you can't stomach a meal. But the most basic action is to put a pinch of salt per litre of filtered drinking water. This will remineralize the water and help it to be absorbed into your system instead of just travelling straight to your kidneys and actually flushing out minerals already in your body! Now I really mean just a pinch! If you can taste it then you've got too much in there.
Of course if you've had a big night you're probably just going to have to accept the self-inflicted pain you've brought on yourself but if you can have a piece of toast before you go to bed you will be giving yourself a head start on a speedy

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Chicken Liver Pate

Livers are high in fat-soluble vitamins A and D. Essential for cell growth and development, particularly for pregnant women, these vitamins protect against free-radical damage and are important for the proper function of the brain and nervous system. So in times of stress, loading up on vitamin A can help you deal with things a little easier. So if your freaking out that you lost your job or your boyfriend didn't call or your girlfriend won't talk to you, make some pate, its easy and it will help you

200g Chicken Livers
200g Organic Butter
1 small red onion
Dried Rosemary
Salt and Pepper

1. Melt 2 Tbsp butter in a pan
2. Saute finely diced onion and 2 tsp dried rosemary until onion is translucent
3. Add livers and sear them quickly, the inside should still be raw
4. Allow to cool slightly
5. Place into a food processor and blend until smooth
6. Add Salt and Pepper and remaining butter, except for 3 Tbsp which you melt in a pan
7. Pour the liver mixture into a glass dish, and then pour melted butter over the top to seal
8. Refrigerate for 3 hours or until set

Great with vege sticks as a snack or with your favourite cheeses! Yum!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Goal Setting

Some people don't have to set goals. Some people are lucky enough that they are just simply doing what they love and wake up everyday knowing what they are aiming for and how they're going to get there. Are you one of those people? Do you wake up in the morning before your alarm because you can't wait to start the day? If not then this is where setting goals are essential for you. Start by making a list of what you want in you life, what you want to be doing for work or where you want to be living. It can be anything! Sky's the limit. Write down these goals and keep them with you, read them everyday and keep them in the forefront of your mind. We all attract whatever it is we are thinking about so why not make it something extraordinary!!
The next thing to do is to make a list of everything you need to do to achieve that goal and set a date that you will do these things by. Make sure you include every action no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. For example, I really want to meet Jamie Oliver. Did anyone see Masterchef last night? One of the prizes was a cooking class with Jamie Oliver! Jealous!!! I just think he's amazing, his food, his philosophies, what he does for young kids and animal rights! Amazing! Brad or Angelina? Whatever! No give me Jamie any day!! Ha Ha, Anyway...I'm getting off how am I going to meet Jamie Oliver? Well I could find out when he is next in Australia and buy a ticket to his exhibition. So the first thing I need to do is research on when he is here but if I was going to do this on the Internet and I don't have Internet connection the first thing on my list would be to get down to Vodafone and get connected! Breaking down the pathway makes our goals seem less overwhelming as we can clearly see what we have to do.
You can have whatever it is you want in this life. Taking action is the only way to achieve your goals, so do it, write down one thing, then you've already taken the first

Friday, June 18, 2010

What do you do when you wake up?

When I wake up in the morning the first thing I do is brush my teeth and scrape my you are probably going to say, 'why would you do that before breakfast?'.
When we sleep bad bacteria in our body moves up into our mouths, ready to come out in morning, but if we go and drink some water or eat straight away, we are simply giving this bacteria a free ride straight back down into our gut. Now if you are healthy and have good intestinal flora, then nine times out of ten you will probably be fine swallowing your own bad bacteria again, but if you are run down you might fine yourself giving yourself the a mystery stomach ache and certainly if you are trying to get rid of the flu, you aren't doing yourself any favours!
Tongue scrapers can be purchased from any pharmacy or health store. Brush your teeth first then scrape down the middle and two sides of your tongue. I'm telling you when you see what comes off you will not believe that you have just been swallowing that all day.
Now you can have a glass of water, or two would be better! We lose a lot of fluid through the night and generally when we wake up thirsty this mean we are already dehydrated. So having a couple of glasses before breaky is a good way to get your daily water intake going. Two glasses down, only six to go!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prevention is Better Than Cure

This week I have had a bit of a sore throat. You know that feeling when you think there's something wrong but your not sure yet? When you feel a little more tired than usual but you just ignore it and soldier on! This usually can be a sign of a cold heading your way, but when you are feeling like this there is still time to fight back, you don't have to just let it take you over.
First of all you have to keep warm. Most importantly our neck and chest. Now I know that this might be hard for some of you ladies wanting to always have boobs out, but look at it this way, they're not going to be out at all if you're in bed with the flu. So cover up, just for a few days at least.
Secondly, its important to keep warm on the inside too. Drinking hot tea and eating yummy soups is a great way to not only stay warm but stay hydrated, which is also very important in these winter months. I like to make a pot of freshly sliced ginger, lemon and honey. Great for sore throats or irritating coughs too!!
Thirdly, you can go out and spend $$$ on supplements if you like, but personally when I'm getting sick I reach straight for the garlic cloves. Now you don't have to chew them and walk around all day with a cloud of garlic around you, just slice up a small clove (if you get those giant ones only use half) and swallow it whole, with LOTS of water! Garlic is a natural antibiotic so its great for stopping the bugs in their tracks. Twice a day before meals would be ideal.
And last but not least, please take it easy. Now is not the time to start your intense weight loss program at the gym or training for a marathon! Its ok to do some light excercise, yoga is great for clearing out the sinuses, but listen to your body and don't overdo

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I feel like dancin, dancin, dancin

The long weekend, as usual wasn't long enough for about you?? I managed to get out there and have a great time with my friends...ahhhhh Tuesday morning comes all too soon. If you feel like bringing back the dance moves and pretending its still saturday night, listen to this track featuring the beautiful Kierstan Chaves, dance round the house, office or car perhaps? Get the blood moving, great start to the

Friday, June 11, 2010

7am: Speed & Power Training

End of week 2 at the gym and I just finished training for the day. As many reps of a movement as you can in 20 seconds, 4 different movements. Focus is on speed so we use a lighter weight, great cardio workout too...

20 sec KB lateral chop
20 sec MB wall throw
20 sec KB swing
20sec SA SB Alt press
5 sets, 40 sec rest in between

Finished off with a bear crawl for core strengthening, however I am a total unco with this movement, definately not a bear in my last life.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bone Broth

Bone broths should be on the superfood list. They are excellent for boosting your immune system and are rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Broths are high in gelatin which helps our nails and hair to grow strong, whilst also containing glucosamine which assists in the treatment of joint pain. Bone broths are sooooo cheap to make!!! All you need is leftover bones from previous roast dinners (chicken, lamb, beef etc.) or simply ask your butcher for some leftovers bones. Sometimes they will even hand them to you for free! Apple cidar vinegar is the acidic element that helps to extract more minerals from the bones. This is a great meal for any vegetarians out there who are thinking about converting over to the dark side but still can't get there head around eating actual meat pieces just yet...

To make the broth simply place your bones in a large pot and cover with water. Add 1-2 Tblsp apple cidar vinegar depending on how big your pot is. Throw in a handful of good quality salt.
This is the base for your broth, you can add any veges you like from here or none at all its up to you. For the purpose of this recipie lets say you add 1 stalk of celery.
Then you just have to let it simmer for minimum 4 hours, skimming any skum off the top occasionally. The longer you leave it the more minerals will be extracted.

Its great to just have this as an entree or a snack through the day with some sourdough bread and butter. YUM!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Raw Smoothie

This smoothie is great in the morning if you need a nutrient dense breakfast on the run. You can put in as many eggs as you like but for the purpose of this recipie I have limited them to 5 to get you started. Packed with antioxidents and protein its great for muscle toning. I know eating raw eggs might seem gross and hard to get your head around, but as long as you've sourced your eggs from an organic free-range farm its perfectly safe! No cage eggs here please!!! Give it a go, I promise its delicious!

In a blender combine:

3-5 eggs
1/2 C frozen berries
1/4 tsp stevia (available in most health food stores)
1/4 tsp cinnamon
2 Tblsp coconut oil

Blend until smooth.

Its important to add the coconut oil just at the last second before you blend, otherwise it will solidify on the frozen

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Use Your Fat For Energy!

Fat is a concentrated source of energy and is vital for building our cells and hormones. It acts as a carrier for important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. These vitamins are essential for bone development, brain function and sexual development and it doesn’t matter how many vitamin pills we take, if we aren’t eating enough fat we can't convert these vitamins and minerals into compounds which can be absorbed into the the body.

Generally most people you talk to will tell you that eating fat is bad for you. That drinking whole milk or yogurt and eating meat and eggs is unhealthy for your body and your waistline. Alot of people fill up on carbohydrates at mealtimes but aren't doing adequate excercise to burn off the intake and so excess carbs are stored on our body. Hello love handles, hello cellulite!!

Science allows us to know there are 2 pathways for energy conversion in our body. The glycolysis (protein and carbohydrate) pathway and the beta oxidation (fat) pathway. When we consume carbohydrates our pancreas releases insulin which transports sugars to our cells for energy. If we can reduce our carbohydrate intake to 30g for 5- 12 days our body learns to use the beta oxidation (fat) pathway instead of the glycolysis pathway, so then when our body sends a signal that it needs fuel we will draw on our fat stores for energy. It can be a difficult transition and is best undertaken with alot of support.

At the end of each season at Origin of Energy we do a 2-4 week gut-gardening detox. This detox is designed not only to cleanse any nasties out of our intestinal tract but also to create a shift in our body, to burning fats for fuel. It involves eating lots of meat, whole milk products, butter, eggs and of course lots of greens! However it is vital that the products you consume are sourced from farms where the chicken and eggs are organic free-range and where the animals are grass-finished, which means they are fed on open pasture, not grain from a bucket in their cage!

The detox can be challenging at first. I know I just felt like i wanted to eat all the time!! But actually this is a good will keep your metabolism going when you eat every few hours and as fat makes our food much stronger in flavour you won't need to eat as much to feel full. Portion control is still important, everything in moderation is still the number 1

Monday, June 7, 2010

Pork Spare Ribs w/ Italian style veges

For me, pork was always something that was dry and boring, easy to overcook. But now it is my favourite meat. I love this dish! Slow-cooking is a foolproof way of making delicious nutritious meals....

6 free range pork spare ribs
2 red capsicums (sliced lengthways)
2 medium sized zucchini (sliced lengthways into quarters)
1 red onion (diced)
2 garlic cloves (diced)
thyme (fresh or dried)

1. Lay all your veges, onion and garlic along the bottem of a caste-iron pot or other baking dish.
2. Genorously rub salt, pepper and thyme into pork ribs and lay on top of veges, add a little bit more salt just for luck :)
3. Cook for 4 hours at 110'C

At the end you can slice off the skin and throw it under the grill to make the perfect crackling...I'll leave that up to

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Baked Custard

1 cup cream
1 cup raw milk
1 Tblsp raw honey
5 egg yolks
1 vanilla bean or vanilla extract
1 cup blueberries

1. Gently warm milk and cream on stove. Do not boil
2. Whisk together yolks and honey.
3. Add milk mixture to yolks slowly, stirring constantly.
4. Stir in seeds of vanilla bean or vanilla extract
5. Pour into 6 ramekins or baking dish and place in a pan of hot water
6. Cook in oven at 130'C or until knife comes out clean
7. Heat blueberries in a pan, blend and pour over top of baked custard
8. Can be enjoyed hot or cold...mmmmmmmmmmm

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I said I would detox...but now I feel like a drink!

Ok guys. We've all been there. You have a bad week, its friday, friday night, friday arvo...whatever...give me a drink!! Oh but wait I said I was on a detox this week. I said I was only having a wine with dinner. I said I wouldn't drink wine, just vodka cos its healthy right? Basically my advice to you on this one is simple...there is nothing healthy about alcohol. Yes there may not be as many preservatives in vodka as there is in wine (and no organic wine doesn't count) but its still alcohol! Its still giving your liver that workout that you know it didn't want it to have plus its hugely dehydrating! If your on a detox or trying to cut back on your alcohol consumption my advice is to book a movie online so you can't get out of it without losing the cash, announce to everyone via facebook that your off to the movies so noone bothers you, then sit back and enjoy the detox friendly show...good luck!!! xxx

Soil to Plate Workshop

Today was my first experience giving a presentation to 80 people at Origin of Energy! Wow! Have to say I was a bit nervous going into it...but after the 3rd slide I got into the swing of things and relaxed a little, realising that, amazingly, I hadn't forgotten what to say and was actually enjoying myself! Origin of Energy are the group i have trained with and they aim to 'refine our lifestyle on a daily basis so that if we all lived in the same way we could steer humanity towards a balanced existence'. Todays workshop was about learning to understand and appreciate the process that all our food goes through, from soil to plate. We learn how to 'think before we buy' and how to make choices that are going to better our environment for the future. For example instead of using plastic bottles, invest in a stainless steel bottle and use a water filter. The damage that plastics and other waste inflicts on the environment has resulted in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch which put simply is a collection of rubbish in the Pacific Ocean the size of Texas! Our small choices can make a difference next time you reach for the plastic containers...think before you