
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Prevention is Better Than Cure

This week I have had a bit of a sore throat. You know that feeling when you think there's something wrong but your not sure yet? When you feel a little more tired than usual but you just ignore it and soldier on! This usually can be a sign of a cold heading your way, but when you are feeling like this there is still time to fight back, you don't have to just let it take you over.
First of all you have to keep warm. Most importantly our neck and chest. Now I know that this might be hard for some of you ladies wanting to always have boobs out, but look at it this way, they're not going to be out at all if you're in bed with the flu. So cover up, just for a few days at least.
Secondly, its important to keep warm on the inside too. Drinking hot tea and eating yummy soups is a great way to not only stay warm but stay hydrated, which is also very important in these winter months. I like to make a pot of freshly sliced ginger, lemon and honey. Great for sore throats or irritating coughs too!!
Thirdly, you can go out and spend $$$ on supplements if you like, but personally when I'm getting sick I reach straight for the garlic cloves. Now you don't have to chew them and walk around all day with a cloud of garlic around you, just slice up a small clove (if you get those giant ones only use half) and swallow it whole, with LOTS of water! Garlic is a natural antibiotic so its great for stopping the bugs in their tracks. Twice a day before meals would be ideal.
And last but not least, please take it easy. Now is not the time to start your intense weight loss program at the gym or training for a marathon! Its ok to do some light excercise, yoga is great for clearing out the sinuses, but listen to your body and don't overdo

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