
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Soil to Plate Workshop

Today was my first experience giving a presentation to 80 people at Origin of Energy! Wow! Have to say I was a bit nervous going into it...but after the 3rd slide I got into the swing of things and relaxed a little, realising that, amazingly, I hadn't forgotten what to say and was actually enjoying myself! Origin of Energy are the group i have trained with and they aim to 'refine our lifestyle on a daily basis so that if we all lived in the same way we could steer humanity towards a balanced existence'. Todays workshop was about learning to understand and appreciate the process that all our food goes through, from soil to plate. We learn how to 'think before we buy' and how to make choices that are going to better our environment for the future. For example instead of using plastic bottles, invest in a stainless steel bottle and use a water filter. The damage that plastics and other waste inflicts on the environment has resulted in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch which put simply is a collection of rubbish in the Pacific Ocean the size of Texas! Our small choices can make a difference next time you reach for the plastic containers...think before you

1 comment:

  1. Love it love it love!!!!!! Looking forward to reading lots more in future,
    Lans xxxx
