
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bone Broth

Bone broths should be on the superfood list. They are excellent for boosting your immune system and are rich in vitamins and minerals such as calcium and magnesium. Broths are high in gelatin which helps our nails and hair to grow strong, whilst also containing glucosamine which assists in the treatment of joint pain. Bone broths are sooooo cheap to make!!! All you need is leftover bones from previous roast dinners (chicken, lamb, beef etc.) or simply ask your butcher for some leftovers bones. Sometimes they will even hand them to you for free! Apple cidar vinegar is the acidic element that helps to extract more minerals from the bones. This is a great meal for any vegetarians out there who are thinking about converting over to the dark side but still can't get there head around eating actual meat pieces just yet...

To make the broth simply place your bones in a large pot and cover with water. Add 1-2 Tblsp apple cidar vinegar depending on how big your pot is. Throw in a handful of good quality salt.
This is the base for your broth, you can add any veges you like from here or none at all its up to you. For the purpose of this recipie lets say you add 1 stalk of celery.
Then you just have to let it simmer for minimum 4 hours, skimming any skum off the top occasionally. The longer you leave it the more minerals will be extracted.

Its great to just have this as an entree or a snack through the day with some sourdough bread and butter. YUM!

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