
Friday, June 11, 2010

7am: Speed & Power Training

End of week 2 at the gym and I just finished training for the day. As many reps of a movement as you can in 20 seconds, 4 different movements. Focus is on speed so we use a lighter weight, great cardio workout too...

20 sec KB lateral chop
20 sec MB wall throw
20 sec KB swing
20sec SA SB Alt press
5 sets, 40 sec rest in between

Finished off with a bear crawl for core strengthening, however I am a total unco with this movement, definately not a bear in my last life.


  1. Hey sis, what is the SA SB Alt press?

    Great web site by the way.

  2. hi!
    it means single arm, swiss ball, alternating press

    so basically you sit on the swiss ball and hold a weight in one hand, walk your feet forward until your body is horizontal and your shoulders are supported by the ball and your knees bent 90 degrees,

    then you press the weight up to a centre point above you, you will need to roll your shoulders from side to side to get balance and momentum, and make sure you let the arm without the weight go up also when you roll onto the other side..

    i should include a video of how to do this! very easy once you know how...xxxx
